Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Confucious said so...

Confucious said so..., originally uploaded by artbyheather.

I normally don't give the fortune in my cookie much merit, but when I received this one at Panda Express the other day...well...what would YOU think? I thought it was pretty good advise and while I don't normally believe in the psychobabble of psychics or palm readers or tarot cards or for that matter, fortunes in dry, tasteless cookies, I decided that this one should be followed very carefully. I intend to follow it to the letter...soon! My energy is nearly depleted at the end of a very busy summer! My kids...aaaahhhh my kids...I love 'em but they wear me out! My two oldest are going off to college and there's something about that summer before they leave that just wears you down to the point of wanting to tell them not to let the door hit them on the way out. I never thought they'd drive me to that point but I guess that's God's way of providing a nice clean break between mother and child. I thank Him for that. I'm ready now...
So, I share this good fortune with was meant for every tired mom in August. Good job! We deserve a break! Let's go!!!